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Overshots are lifting devices used commonly in wire-line drill jobs. The overshot is dropped using a cable into the inner tube assembly where it lifts up the drill rods from the drill holes. Doing so eliminates the need to couple or uncouple rod strings each time the core needs retrieval. |
overshots include spare parts of eye bolt, cable swivel collar, thrust bearing, castle nut, cotter pin, grease fitting, cable swivel body, jar staff, jar tube, hex nut 3/4 UNC, washer, nord lock, cap, ezy lock O/shot, spring, ezy lock O/shot, sleeve, ezy lock O/shot, compression spring, ball 11/32”, ezy lock overshot head, lifting dog, plain pin 1/2”*2-1/8”, spring pin 1/4”*2”, locking pin, set screw, 3/8 UNF*3/4 nyloc, locking sleeve. |
Types of Overshots
One variation of the overshots is the continuous tubing model. This type of overshot is fitted with a grapple system that turns 340 degrees and is ideal for catching slick-wall fish. The overshot also provides circulation back to the fish while pulling out the drill rods. Circulation is restored by using a highly pressurized pack-off which is fitted above the overshot. |
The second type of overshots is the hydraulic release model. This one is a bit more advanced and uses set-down weight and differential pressure to activate it mechanically. The overshot pumps fluids into the fish and tools below before latching onto them and pulling. This prior fluid injection washes away debris and any other particles from the surface of the fish making latching easy and the grip tighter. The set-down weight and differential pressure mechanism makes this overshot perfect for horizontal fishing projects. |
Another popular overshot in drilling projects is the 150 Release overshot. It uses a huge bore with wire-line tools for fishing out parted drill pipes and their collars. The 150 Release overshots come in different strength levels for varied applications in drill sites. On the other hand, the 70 type overshots are used where the 150 release overshot is not applicable. The 70 type overshot is more accurate in pulling out drill rods that are a bit too narrow to be latched with the 150 overshot. |
Two other overshots currently in the market today are the Type 10 and Type 20 overshot. The type 10 overshot is specially designed to retrieve tubular fish 2 inches in diameter. This same overshot can also be used for retrieving 1 5/8 inch drill rods as well, but on a much smaller 2 3/8 tube. The type overshot evenly distributes loads on tool and fish thanks to the internal helix construction that is tapered to provide a 360 degree wall contact. For the 20 Type overshot, this one comes in handy when the fish' top is too short for the 10 Type overshot to pull. The 20 Type grapple fastens to the bottom of the tool thus makes this overshot successful for most projects that use short-neck drill rods. |
Technology continues to see newer inventions of the overshots being released to perform even more specific jobs with unparalleled accuracy. Other kinds of overshots you will find in the market include the Chinese Standard Wire-line overshot, HQ overshot, WLP overshot, NQ overshot and the WLH overshot. |
We export impregnated and surface set diamond core bits, diamond casing and casing shoe bits, reaming shells, core barrels, drilling rods, overshots to world wide countries, such as USA united states, Germany, UK united kingdom, Italy, France, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Canada, South Africa, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Israel, Cyprus, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Danmark, Poland, Czech, Hungary, Switzerland, Ireland, Holand, Greece, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, Egypt, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina etc. |