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bits Impregnated core bits
bits Surface set core bits
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bits PDC core bits
bits Carbide core bits
bits Electroplated core bits
bits diamond casing and casing shoe bits
bits Imp. casing shoe bits
bits Surface set casing bits
bits Carbide casing shoe
bits Electroplated casing
bits reaming shells
bits Surface set reamer
bits PCD reaming shells
bits Carbide reaming shell
bits Electroplated reamer
bits non coring bits
bits Imp. non coring bits
bits Surface set non coring
bits PDC non coring bits
bits Core barrels
bits Drill rods,casing tube
bits Overshots
bits Thin wall core bits
bits Drilling tools
bits Synthetic diamonds
bits PDC cutters
bits TSP bar

Home >> Overshots >> WLP overshots

Overshots are lifting devices used commonly in wire-line drill jobs. The overshot is dropped using a cable into the inner tube assembly where it lifts up the drill rods from the drill holes. Doing so eliminates the need to couple or uncouple rod strings each time the core needs retrieval.

overshots include spare parts of eye bolt, cable swivel collar, thrust bearing, castle nut, cotter pin, grease fitting, cable swivel body, jar staff, jar tube, hex nut 3/4 UNC, washer, nord lock, cap, ezy lock O/shot, spring, ezy lock O/shot, sleeve, ezy lock O/shot, compression spring, ball 11/32”, ezy lock overshot head, lifting dog, plain pin 1/2”*2-1/8”, spring pin 1/4”*2”, locking pin, set screw, 3/8 UNF*3/4 nyloc, locking sleeve.

WLP overshots
1. Eye Bolt
2. Cable Swivel Collar
3. Thrust Bearing
4. Castle Nut
5. Cotter Pin
6. Grease Fitting
7. Cable Swivel Body
8. Jar Staff
9. Jar Tube
10. Hex Nut 3/4 UNC
11. Washer, Nord-lock
12. Cap, Ezy Lock O/Shot
13. Spring, Ezy Lock O/Shot
14. Sleeve, Ezy Lock O/Shot
15. Compression Spring
16. Ball 11/32”
17. Ezy Lock Overshot Head
18. Compression Spring
19. Lifting Dog
20. Plain Pin 1/2”×2-1/8”
21. Spring Pin 1/4”×2”
22. Locking Pin
23.Set Screw, 3/8 UNF×3/4 Nyloc
24. Sleeve
25. Locking Sleeve
WLP overshots  

We export impregnated and surface set diamond core bits, diamond casing and casing shoe bits, reaming shells, core barrels, drilling rods, overshots to world wide countries, such as USA united states, Germany, UK united kingdom, Italy, France, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Canada, South Africa, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Israel, Cyprus, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Danmark, Poland, Czech, Hungary, Switzerland, Ireland, Holand, Greece, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, Egypt, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina etc.

  Contact: Richard Tel: 0086-13929967797 E-mail: sales@pcd-insert.com